Leadership Skills

Duration: 4x2hrs individual, 4x3 hrs group for each part.


This two-part course gives you the practical skills to help develop and polish your leadership style, and motivate great performance from your team.


Part One: Focus on you

Management style: knowing your style and its impact.

Communicating with others: adapting your communication style. 

Personal effectiveness: developing resilience, accountability and effective delegating.

Cultural intelligence: understanding cross-cultual & inter-cultural settings.


Part Two: Focus on your interaction with your team:

Working collaboratively: co-creating solutions & facilitating knowledge-sharing.

Empowering & Engaging: creating a motivated and productive team. 

Coaching: applying the skills of coaching to develop potential and provide support.

Building different team types: developing a sense of team, including virtual or global teams.


Few people are natural leaders and not all jobs require you to lead. However, being able to inspire and motivate great performance from your team is an essential skill in business whether you are known as a leader or manager.  Through understanding yourself and others more fully, it gives you the practical skills to help transform behaviour. 


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